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For all who have followed my postings on I Love the Psalms, I want to take a moment to introduce you to my devotional study book on the psalms entitled, Psalms Alive! Connecting Heaven and Earth.

Sample CoverThis 240 page, beautifully bound paperback is an in depth exploration of thirteen psalms. It’s similar to my weekly blog posting, but also different in some important respects. Unlike my one page postings, the chapters in my book are five to six pages in length and they end with a series of questions that act as prompts to bring the psalm alive. This means it’s a great book for personal study, but it works even better for small group discussion.

The longer format allows for more personal anecdotes and real-life illustrations. The goal is to discover how to live out the psalms in our daily lives.

Endorsements: David writes with a dramatic and compelling flair, enticing us to meet with God and therein find life. His intent to let God’s Word speak through the psalms is accomplished with theological sensitivity to the sitz im leben and creative application to the context of our lives today. Well done, David! Psalms Alive! helped me inhabit the Word and know Him more.
Rev. Dr. Lawson Murray, President – Scripture Union Canada

“A timely call to stop our mad rush and encounter God in the stillness of prayer and Bible study. David Kitz paints pictures with words, taking lessons from Scripture and nature to offer us a three-dimensional, multi-sensory relationship with God.”

Robert L. Briggs, Executive Vice President, American Bible Society

Psalms Alive! is an excellent tool to help any reader engage with God’s Word (specifically 13 Psalms) and therefore engage with God. It is obvious that David Kitz has taken these Psalms into his life and by “listening in” to his thinking the reader can learn to do the same.”

Phil Collins, Ph.D., Executive Director, Taylor Center for Scripture Engagement, Taylor University, Upland, IN

Your Turn: Get in touch to get your signed copy of Psalms Alive! Connecting Heaven and Earth. Cost $17.95.

Let God speak to you and through you via the Psalms.