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A Book Review

Holiness. As followers of Jesus, we are called to be holy. But are we? The Scriptures call us God’s chosen and holy people (1 Peter 2:9), but how do we live out that truth? Is it even possible?

Karen Stiller explores our call to holiness in a soul-exposing, heart-touching way that leaves us hungering for more. There is no pretension here. Living holy is hard. Failures are frequent, and grace, blended with forgiveness is essential as we walk and stumble forward. The author makes this perfectly clear as we join her on her intimate journey.197885931

To be authentic, holiness must permeate every area of our life. So, chapter by chapter, the author builds a case for holiness with chapters on subjects such as the physical body, money, humility, beauty, remembering, and the church.

I have read other books on the topic of holiness. They were good books, but this one stands above them all. This is due to the very personal way in which the author approaches her topic. This is not an academic exercise. We see into her life and see our own struggles and momentary triumphs reflected there.

I highly recommend Holiness Here by Karen Stiller.
Paperback, 192 pages.