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Wow! This is terrific. ReadingThe Elisha Code and the Coming Revival is like walking the road to Emmaus with the resurrected Jesus and two of his twenty-first century disciples—Ed Hird and David Kitz. Share their excitement as Jesus opens their minds to the Old Testament prophecies about Himself. With the added benefit of New Testament insights and lessons from history, we see the Holy Spirit preparing to ignite fresh revival fires in our day.

Don Hutchinson, pastor, lawyer, and author of 
Church in Society: First Century Citizenship Lessons for Twenty-First Century Christians

My initial reaction to drawing a parallel between two “dynamic duos”—Elijah/Elisha and John the Baptist/Jesus—was not favorable. The Bible never makes such a claim. Or so I thought, until I read The Elisha Code and the Coming Revival. I did so mainly because co-author Ed Hird is one of my oldest and dearest friends. I was genuinely surprised at the compelling argument he and David Kitz make for this connection as they spur the reader onto revival expectation.

Alan Gilman, Bible Teacher, Writer, & Podcaster

I found The Elisha Code and the Coming Revival by David Kitz & Dr. Ed Hird to be a rollercoaster-thrill-read from beginning to end … I could not put it down! The authors take you on an adventure of discovery—seeking bold faith—in readiness for the revival to come.

Alan Kearns, Devotional Treasures blogger, Glenrothes, Scotland

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